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An organisation that creates opportunity worldwide
The British Council is the United Kingdom's leading cultural relations organisation
and India is our largest operation worldwide. In India, we operate as a division
of the British High Commission and have offices in the four main metros as well
as a network of 9 libraries. Through our centres and programmes we promote the diversity
and creativity of British society and culture. We do this by helping people to appreciate
its vibrancy.
British Council outside India
We operate in 110 countries around the world, running similar programmes to those
here. Mainly we enhance the UK's reputation and create opportunities for people
by working in partnership with various individuals and organisations.
How we are funded
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) provides us with a core grant-in-aid.
We also work with other government departments and agencies, and increasingly with
the private sector. On top of this we also provide services such as project management,
UK-based training, English language courses and examinations. |
Building relationships with people all around the world.
Here at the British Council our main goal is to build the UK's role as a leading
provider of educational and cultural opportunities. We do this by promoting teaching
and learning of the English language, while building relationships with people all
around the world. Worldwide we have issued nearly eight million books and videos,
dealt with almost two million enquiries in our libraries and welcomed five and a
half million visitors. We have employed more than 1,900 teachers in 138 teaching
centres around the world who have taught almost 1.2 million class hours.
 Where we are
We are very well established in India and in the year 2000 we celebrated the 50th
anniversary of our library network right here.
Our Libraries are in the following 11 cities: |
Our activities in these cities focus on:
- Learning and teaching English
- Education
- Library and information services
- Arts and culture
- Rights and society
- Science
Our broad range of interests mean that we have been able to organise over 3,000
arts events globally, more than 1,500 science events in over 60 countries and helped
13,000 young people take part in exchange projects.
We have been building face-to-face contacts and we now intend to reach millions
of people through online and various other media.
British Council Online is one initiative helping us to achieve our goals of reaching
millions of people, strengthening the cultural relations, English language teaching
and spreading the international dimensions of learning and knowledge sharing.
It is an information site offering access to online information resources across
a vast range of subjects, interactive English language lessons and work-place related
learning modules. |
© 2011
British Council
The United Kingdom’s International Organisation for Cultural Relations and
Educational Opportunities.
A Registered Charity: 209131 (England And Wales) SC037733 (Scotland).
