& Publications |
Commonwealth Human Rights |
1 . Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions:
Building an Effective Media and Communication Programme
This media handbook available free of charge is an outcome of
a workshop organised by the British Council and the Ghana Commission
on Human Rights and Administrative Justice in Accra from 22-24
July 2004. The workshop aimed to help NHRIs develop strategies
to engage and work more effectively with the media.
2. Anti Terror Legislation in the Commonwealth: An update
on CHRI's 2003 report
This year’s CHRI report on ‘Anti Terrorism Legislation
in the Commonwealth’ focusses on new developments in the
area of anti-terrorism and the impacts that these developments
are having on human rights across the Commonwealth.
3. Trafficking and Health
This paper argues that anti-trafficking interventions actually
increase the health risks and vulnerability of those who migrate
voluntarily, by reducing their access to appropriate services
and social care.
4. “Oh! This one is infected!”: Women, HIV
& Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region -- Paper commissioned
by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights,
from International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS (ICW)
This paper sets out to explain the varied reasons why a significant
majority of women in the Asia-Pacific region are disproportionately
at risk of infection, documents specific examples of discriminatory
attitudes and actions against HIV-positive women in the region
as a result of their HIV status; and concludes with recommendations
of action by and for all levels of society to counteract these
human rights violations.
5. Global Survey on Education in Emergencies
This report presents information gathered by the Global Survey
on Education in Emergencies (Global Survey). It attempts to
fill a gap in information about how many refugee, displaced
and returnee children and youth globally have access to education
and the nature of the education they receive.
6. Violence Against Women: 10 Reports/Year 2003
The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) launches its publication
"Violence Against Women: 10 Reports/Year 2003" covering
the situation of women in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia,
Eritrea, Estonia, Mali, Russia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
The publication forms part of the Programme's work in the field
of integrating women's human rights and a gender perspective
into the activities of the United Nations human rights treaty
monitoring bodies.
7. Water as a Human Right?
This paper has been produced by the IUCN (International
Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Environmental
Law Programme, which seeks to articulate the issues, and set
out the competing arguments and challenges, about the contribution
that a human right to water could make to achieving the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).
8. Report on the Activities of the Asia Pacific Forum(APF)
of National Human Rights Institutions
The participation and advocacy of the APF at the 3rd
Session of the Ad Hoc Committee on Disability Convention was
seen by government and civil society participants as being extremely
useful. The report of the meeting contains a number of suggestions
about the APF's continued participation in the drafting of the
9. The Role of Judges in Implementing Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights (ESCR)- A book by INTERRIGHTS
This book features essays written by leading experts
from five major international legal systems debating the issue
based on experiences within their respective countries - Canada,
India, South Africa, UK and Hungary - with a view to drawing
conclusions about how the judiciary can better implement ESCR.
It is available in English from INTERIGHTS at a retail price
of UK£20 / US$38. Please contact Erica French at: [email protected]
to order your copies.
10. New Zealand Census of Women’s Participation
in Governance and Professional Life
This Census is a public benchmarking tool which provides
nation-wide data on women in leadership and decision-making
positions in private and crown companies, business, law, politics
and the top rungs of academic life. The findings reveal a chronic
under-utilisation of women ’s skills and talents in governance
as members of boards of top companies in the private corporate
11. UK asylum plan for "safe havens": full-text
of proposal and reactions
You can read the full-text of the UK proposal: "New international
approaches to asylum processing and protection" online.