1. Art workshop and Competition,
Dates: 1-3 September
Venue: British Council, New Delhi
Participation by invitation only
A visiting British artist John Edwards will conduct an art workshop
for children with disabilities. The children will receive an
orientation into child rights themes through a resource person
from HAQ Centre for Child rights and will be encouraged to translate
a vision (seen from a perspective of rights) of their future
in colour. The workshops, being organised in partnership with
the National Human Rights Commission, will be followed up by
an art competition.
2. Finale of Indo-British Project on Advocacy Skills
Dates: 21 September
Venue: British Council, New Delhi
Participation by invitation only
An event marking the end of the Indo-British Project on Advocacy
skills training is being organised. Several Indian lawyers received
training in advocacy skills under this project. 3.
Advocacy Skills Training Programme
Dates: 11-12 September
Venue: Delhi High Court
Registration for Practising lawyers only
For registration contact:
Priya Hingorani 40,
Lawyers Chambers,
Supreme Court
4. Direct Trainer Skills workshop
Dates: 23-25 September
Venue: British Council
Registration complete
Selected law teachers will be attending
a month long programme at the Cardiff Law School. These law
teachers are from National Law schools all over India. From
23-25 September, they will be attending a pre-departure direct
trainers skills workshop at the British Council.
Advocacy Skills Training Programme
Dates: 25-26 September
Venue: Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh
Registration for Practising lawyers only
registration contact:
Priya Hingorani
40, Lawyers Chambers,
Supreme Court
Advocacy Skills Training Programmes
Dates: 9-10 October, 20-21
November, 11-12 December
Venue: Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh
Registration for Practising lawyers only
registration contact:
Priya Hingorani
40, Lawyers Chambers,
Supreme Court
Lecture by Lord Justice David Keene on 'A policy on Judicial
Training as a method to Judicial change'
Dates: 10 October
Venue: British Council theatre
By invitation only
Seminars on Corporate Social Responsibility
Venue: Delhi, Mumbai and Jodhpur
(exact venue to be confirmed)
David Murphy from New Academy UK,
Pankaj Gupta, IMT Ghaziabad,
Vineeta Dutta Roy, IILM, Delhi,
Dr Bala Krishnamurthy, NMIMS, Mumbai