Change text sizes
You may be able to increase the size of the text on screen
Internet Explorer 8.0 (Windows)
Select the 'Page' menu, then 'Text Size', and then your chosen size (or if you have a mouse wheel simply hold down CTRL and roll the mouse wheel to alter the text size).
Internet Explorer 7.0 (Windows)
Select the 'Page' menu, then 'Text Size', and then your chosen size (or if you have a mouse wheel simply hold down CTRL and roll the mouse wheel to alter the text size).
Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
Select the 'View' menu, then 'Text Size', and then your chosen size (or if you have a mouse wheel simply hold down CTRL and roll the mouse wheel to alter the text size).
Firefox 3.0+
Select the 'View' menu, then 'Text Size', and then select decrease or increase. Alternatively select CTRL + + or CTRL + -.
Google Chrome 3.0+
Select the 'Page' menu, then 'Zoom' and then your chosen size (Larger, Normal or Smaller) or if you have a mouse wheel simply hold down the CTRL and roll the mouse wheel to alter the text size. Alternatively select CTRL++ or CTRL+-.